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March 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMarch 19, 2024

Exercise feeds oxygen to the brain and keeps the flab away. Calorie counts for activities include dancing, 300 cals per hour; making love, 150 cals per act; playing golf, 133 (no cart); walking slowly, 115 cals; standing at Cocktailparties, 20 cab; talking on the telephone to mum, 15 cab.

Sun Sign: Pisces/Neptune

Decanate: Pisces/Pluto; Numbers: 1, 4

March 19th Birthday Love Astrology

In spite of an exceptionally long life spent in rude health, much success and being blessed with good brains and good looks, March 18 is a pain spotter. She has to lie down a lot in a darkened room.

But he is worse. The briefcase rattles with pills. Between high-powered telephone calls he takes out the bottles and reads them, then looks up the drugs in a reference book about prescribed drugs and their effects which he keeps in his desk. It says possible impotence can result and he panics. Which is worse? A tickle in the nose or no response at all to tickling elsewhere? He opens the Financial Times, but tucked inside is the Daily Maifs health section. It's yet another cosmetic surgery story, this time about men in the USA having jutting chin implants to make them seem more assertive in deals. March 18 slips off to the loo to examine his chin and finds the mirror space crowded with male colleagues examining theirs.

Hypochondria is measured by the amount of affliction inflicted on others. The truly inflicted upon absolutely insist you go and lie down - for a long time. When this pathetic individual lurches off to find a hot water bottle, everybody in the family continues to watch ER, and shouts as he/she leaves the room ‘Can you make a cup of tea?' March 18 comes in from work each evening, slumps into a chair and moans Tm utterly exhausted', never asking the children, who have been doing GCSEs and A levels how they've done.

They excel at work because it's crowded with hypochondriacs and there's usually a Big Boss who wants to discuss a pain he's just spotted with a like-minded enthusiast. Out of work, the hypochondriac is not interested in other people's broken legs and probably wouldn't notice if the entire family sat watching ER swathed mummy-like in bandages from head to toe.

In Love

A genuine romantic, you are impulsive and liable to fall in love at first sight.

When you fall, you do it with your whole heart and soul. You may feel as if no one else has ever been in love before you. When you meet the person you consider your soul mate, the thrill you feel is instantaneous. If it doesn’t work out you’re devastated, at least until you meet someone who is even more enchanting. For the duration of the love relationship, you are extremely sensitive to your partner’s needs and wants and more than willing to provide for them.

In Bed

An instinctual and gifted lover, you usually know what your bedmate wants even before he or she is aware of it. Exciting and fanciful inside the bedroom and out, the magic of fairy tales is as real to you as today’s news head-lines. Although warmhearted and ardent in bed, you’re no sexual gymnast.

You’re just as content kissing and cuddling under the covers—and talking about your dreams and fancies—as you are engaging in wild and passionate lovemaking.


Eating the right diet for you is often the key to well-being. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis kept her shape and vigour by eating a favourite meal of one large baked potato, heaped with fresh caviar, and a glass of champagne. Michelangelo preferred a spartan diet of bread and wine, eating a little pasta with fresh fruit in the evening after a day's work. George Bernard Shaw avoided meat, tea and alcohol. For breakfast he had a grapefruit or porridge, for lunch beans and lentils or spaghetti and enjoyed snacking off raw vegetable sandwiches with yoghurt, and glasses of apple juice and milk.


Your sexual cravings are unpredictable and encompass a wide range of erotic fantasies. Driven more by emotional than physical needs, you get off on a bit of drama in the boudoir. When you become bored with your love life, you yearn for a dream lover to whisk you off to some wild and exotic private love nest.


Exercise feeds oxygen to the brain and keeps the flab away. Calorie counts for activities include dancing, 300 cals per hour; making love, 150 cals per act; playing golf, 133 (no cart); walking slowly, 115 cals; standing at Cocktailparties, 20 cab; talking on the telephone to mum, 15 cab.

Reality Check

You’re caught somewhere between the dual personality of a laid-back, moody dreamer and an aggressive, argumentative doer. While your sensitive inner fish attempts to extend a helping hand to all comers, the independent, self-sufficient side of your nature keeps on sending out messages to the contrary.

March 19 Date Share

Neville Chamberlain, British prime minister. John Updike, novelist. Richard Condon, writer, The Manchurian Candidate.Robert Donat, stage, film actor. Stephane Mallarme, French poet, symbolist FWde Klerk, South African president, apartheid reformer, released Nelson Mandela.

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