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People Born on April 8th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onApril 08, 2024

April 8th Birthday Numerology

No. 8:Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth, and uses financial success to give back to others.

April 8 VS Aries, 8, Competitive influencer

People Born on April 8th: Destiny, Future

April 8th Birthday Destiny

There is no second, third or fourth position in your work or social life; there’s only number one and that’s going to be you. And truth be told, you may not be all that squeamish about either how you get there, how you hold on to pole position or keep the potential competition back and at bay. Of course, this makes you the consummate sports professional – you have all the qualities and single-minded focus you need to reach and stay at the top of your chosen game, but you’ll also stand out from the crowd if social media is your game and will relish the spotlight and platform bestowed upon you by having the title of influencer. If you’re home-based and raising a family, yours will be the home everyone talks about; if you throw a party, everyone will want to come, even those who don’t share your love of power, money and the status they bring. And if you’ve had to be a bit ruthless to grab the status you crave in your conscience-free world view, those rewards, some of which you’ll be happy to share with those less fortunate, are more than worth it. You’ll have to marry someone with the same values, which boil down to just one word that sums up your sun sign: me, me, me.

April 8th Birthday Future

People born on this day are the ultimate go-getters. You view life as a series of challenges, and you're determined to overcome them all. Whether as a creative entrepreneur or the executive of an established corporation, you have a knack for gaining the respect and cooperation of others. A dynamic mix of realism and idealism has you upholding tradition one moment and flying in the face of it the next. Some of your innovative ideas may seem a bit far-fetched, yet they succeed because they're built on a firm foundation of con1mon sense and business acumen.

Those who celebrate birthdays on this date are rather less colorful than others of their Sun sign. The ram's inclination to race full speed ahead is tempered by the number eight's more cautious approach. Innately practical and opportunistic, you keep your eye on the prize and waste little time or energy on nonproductive enterprises. You automatically assume that you're right until proven wrong, so when you make a request, you usually refuse to take no for an answer.

Your emotional nature is more controlled than that of the ty pical ram, and you may have difficulty sharing your deepest feelings with your significant other. Where love is concerned, you're not into playing games. You are loyal and dependable; when you make a commitment, you stick by it.

April 8th Birthday Tarot

The Devil:The human beings depicted on this card are chained below the devil’s cloven feet, and in some ways, you may start to feel as you move through your life that you too have been chained to things (status) which may not turn out to be so important after all. Look closely and you will see these chains are really only loosely holding the humans in place, so the good news is you have the choice to break them and make a bid for a different kind of freedom any time you want.

April 8th Famous birthdays

Vivienne Westwood(British fashion designer); Julian Lennon(British singer and musician); Robin Wright(American actress and director); Born Today:

Jacques Brei (singer/songwriter); Ilka Chase (actress/writer); Franco Corelli (opera singer); Betty Ford (U.S. first lady/founder of the Betty Ford Center); Sonja Heine (skater); Jim "Catfish" Hunter (baseball player); Julian Lennon (singer/songwriter); Carmen McRae Oazz singer); Donald Whitehead Oournalist)

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