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January 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onJanuary 19, 2024

Many January 19 people have distinctive handwriting, usually with well-spaced words and letters which show their generous natures, self-confidence and open-heartedness. Avaricious and mean minded people cramp the writing. Exaggerated spacing indicates irresponsibility.

Sun Sign: Capricorn/Saturn

Decanate: Capricorn/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 2

January 19th Birthday Love Astrology

At school January 19 was always told off for gazing out of the window, but it would be a bad thing for this creature if he stopped doing so. On one level, gazing and thinking and dreaming is what this creature is all about. This is how to find peace of mind and mental rest, a fact which any child can tell you, but many adults have forgotten. This contemplation isn't vacant. Both sexes' minds are working, but the/re working far away.

Both men and women can be unconventional and may want to travel for some years before settling down. Many may choose to live abroad. Often restless with their environment, January 19 seeks change. Many indeed become addicted to change, rejecting their background and sometimes even old friends and family. But this is usually when they are receiving too much advice, which January 19 sees as nagging. People born today are extremely original thinkers and don't want to be like everybody else. In some cases a powerful sense of otherness makes them unhappy for a while and even bullyable, especially in childhood. But the otherness and the dreaming strengthens their drive and resolve and they will eventually find their feet. Although dreaming can get them through a lot of mundane jobs, this creature's strength lies in an unusual vision. Many take off to found their own empire and successfully realise the vision. It's not a fantastically money-minded date, although quite capable of reaping huge financial rewards. Without money, however, this disarming charmer quickly adapts, living creatively on very little.

These seductive solo stars seek like-minded lovers and won't tolerate somebody who gets their thrills from discounts. Both women and men loathe shopping and a relative who wants to discuss curtain prices is soon shown the door. Others are drawn to January 19 because he and she welcome friendship from all sorts -snobbery is anathema to this wandering star - and because of their peaceable companionship.

In Love

A cockeyed optimist with regard to love and romance, you’re not afraid to pursue challenging relationships. You know what you want, and you also know how to get it. Or at least you think you know. No matter how much trouble your love life may have been in the past, you are confident that this time everything will be different. Still, problems can arise as a result of your tendency to go to extremes. Initially, you can’t get enough of your lover’s company. However, when the newness of the union begins to fade, you turn your attention back to your real true love—work and career.

In Bed

Your incomparable sexual vigor expresses itself in a rare combination of insistence and idealism. When your lusty sexuality explodes to life, your desire for experimentation and adventure can make you appear pushy and demanding. Even so, you never let go of your devotion to old-fashioned chivalrous behavior. Moreover, the romantic side of your nature yearns for poetry, moonlight, and the type of emotional crescendos that add a touch of magic to an intimate union.


Essential oil of rose is one of the most potent perfumes used in ancient love magic rituab, either to procure the interest of a new lover or pep up flagging desire. Originally from Persia, the oil was used on wedding nights and although it's expensive - it takes 81kg of damask roses to make 30ml - one drop is usually enough to produce tingling nights of pleasure. Use almond oil as the base. Touch a drop to your forehead and if you are feeling adventurous, on the nipples. (The nipples in either sex are erotically sensitive so both men and women can do this.)


The mad abandon of an impulsive night of lovemaking is guaranteed to inflame the repressed libido of any overworked Capricorn. No doubt, you’re used to burning the candle at both ends in pursuit of professional success.

However, the reckless spontaneity of a sexual all-nighter is considerably more satisfying and also a lot more fun.


Many January 19 people have distinctive handwriting, usually with well-spaced words and letters which show their generous natures, self-confidence and open-heartedness. Avaricious and mean minded people cramp the writing. Exaggerated spacing indicates irresponsibility.

Reality Check

Your cautious inner goat does not prevent you from taking a gamble when you believe the potential gain is greater than the possible loss. Part of you is very restless and impatient, and your desire to move forward with your overall objectives, whether in love or work, helps you overcome any hesitation you may feel regarding the risk involved.

January 19 Date Share

Sir Simon Rattle, conductor City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Julian Barnes, author, Flaubert's Parrot Phil Everly, rock and roll singer, Everly Brothers. Edgar Allan Poe, poet, journalist, short story writer. Paul Cezanne, French painter. Janis Joplin, singer, songwriter. Dolly Parton, country and western singer, film star, big bosom. Michael Crawford, film star, musical comedy actor, Phantom of the Opera. Stefan Edberg, Swedish tennis star. Richard Lester, film director, A Hard Day's Night

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