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February 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onFebruary 29, 2024

Just an interesting snippet: Julius Caesar created February 29, occurring every four years to solve the few hours extra to 365 days in the solar year. Pope Gregory deemed it overkill, so only one in four century years - 2000, not 1700, 1800 or 1900 gets February 29.

Sun Sign: Pisces/Neptune

Decanate: Pisces/Neptune; Numbers: 2, 4

February 29th Birthday Love Astrology

Naturally this is an unusual day. And there aren't many of them. February 29 seems a restless sort, like a mermaid or merman, unsure of what it is or where it wants to be. Quite a lot of time is therefore spent sitting on a rock combing its long golden hair and gazing in a hand mirror, or actually eyeing the seascape/landscape for any passing boatmen, especially treasure-laden feckless pirates who think they're on to a good thing with Ms Mermaid until she clasps them in her arms and sinks to the bottom.

There's a tremendous optimism about this individual, probably the result of having to go without proper birthday parties and put on a brave face. They don't mind privation, and do like living dangerously. Money makers all, and not fussy about how it's done. The ogling pirate will not be clasped until this merperson has been showered with all his booty. And then he's a goner. Deals are made in seconds, and always with a splash. Nobody knows how they do it, but they know they're good. And they go on being good. Find them in any kind of market, money, goods, fruit and veg, antiques. They're the ones with the snazzy suits and fast cars with an account at a pleasing restaurant. He weighs the bank manager up in his scales and then flips the money out of him like an obedient fruit machine.

Many people born today choose one partner and stay put for life. If something parts this creature from his love he pines and won't be comforted for years. Most like to travel with their partner to far away lands. Pisces adores the Middle East, could swim around in Egypt then down the Arabian Gulf forever. Best bet for both sexes is a cruise, where they keep on the move, yet have a secure base. They're lethal and lovely. Lethal to foes. Lovely to the rest.

In Love

The “urge to merge” is a main motivation in your life. Although you fall in love easily, when you find true love you make a loyal, loving life partner.

However, you expect fidelity and devotion in return. If you don’t get it, you become jealous and possessive. A genuine romantic, you like the idea of courting and being courted. Because you want beauty and order in your life, you enjoy creating a pleasant atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones.

Your disdain for discord and disagreement means you’re usually the first one to make up after an argument.

In Bed

Strongly sexed and highly imaginative, you aspire to total union with your beloved. Your sensuality and intuition help make the sex act physically pleasurable and emotionally fulfilling for you and your partner. Your sexual impulses are intense, yet your sensitivity to your lover’s needs keeps your focus on joint satisfaction. Your imagination is the key component in establishing an emotional link to your lover. Imagination and intuition also play a major role in bringing your erotic fantasies to life.


Fast deals mean fatigue and perhaps the best reviver for this unusual creature is Rescue Remedy, first put together by the famous Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s, who roamed our fields and woods for curative plants. Just use a couple of drops in a glass of water. Rescue Remedy contains impatiens(Impatiens glandulifera)for impatience and stress-induced agitation, clematis (Clematis vitalbaj for spaciness and fainting, rock rose(Hlianthemum nummularium)for hysteria, cherry plum(Prunus cerasifera)for retaining mental and physical control and star of Bethlehem(Örnithogalum embellatum for trauma both mental and physical.


A romantic getaway for two, on or near water, is a great first step toward evoking your romantic dreams. It really doesn’t matter if it’s a magnificent cruise on a luxurious ocean liner or a few nights at Budget Beach—the location near water is all that is required to stimulate your imagination and inflame your passion.


Just an interesting snippet: Julius Caesar created February 29, occurring every four years to solve the few hours extra to 365 days in the solar year. Pope Gregory deemed it overkill, so only one in four century years - 2000, not 1700, 1800 or 1900 gets February 29.

Reality Check

Sensitivity and compassion make you very receptive to the needs of others.

People trust and rely on you because they sense your willingness to help them solve their problems. Still, if you are fooled or taken in by a phony sob story, you can become temporarily despondent and liable to seek relief by overindulging in food or alcohol.

February 29 Date Share

James Mitchell, film star.Anne Lee, founder of the Shaker movementGioacchino Rossini, Italian opera composer, William Tell, The Barber of Seville.Jimmy Dorsey, jazz saxophonist, bandleader. Dinah Shore, film actress, film star, singer.

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