March 7th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onMarch 07, 2024

The ability to exit from an arrangement is a rare skill. There are certain individuals who will pick a fight to make it happen, while others will just fade away. For you, however, because you have the gift of being able to turn what are often rather unworkable situations into something remarkable, it is also vital that you acquire that skill of saying a gracious but firm farewell at the right moment.

Little is better than making a life-changing suggestion and everything working out

March 7th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on March 7th

As a Piscean, you’re a natural organizer. Many people don’t recognize this, because you’re very discreet in your approach. While certain signs are heavy-handed, you have a way of making others feel important and, in fact, you’ll get them to shoulder responsibilities in a way that will boost their confidence.

What’s more, you are also superb at fitting in, so even if there’s chaos, you will inspire others. Suddenly they’ll realize they can help get things organized or even contribute to imposing order on chaos.

And that is your gift as a Piscean. It is not just your capacity to connect with and inspire others to stand up for themselves. Better yet, you encourage them to discover, and offer, the best of who they are.

This has to do with life, with what is being organized, but also it has to do with all sorts of relationships, with family, with loved ones, with friends, and with the wider world.

And this gift you have is something that is meant to be used. Even though you may not think of it as that much of a gift, it enables you to encourage or guide others to be the best they can be.

But even more than that, encouraging them to grow allows you to grow, too, and in satisfying ways. In modern terms, it could be said to be a “win-win” for everybody.

You and others

There are certain individuals who will decide that you are responsible for what they do. They’ll play a game with you, they’ll ask your advice, and then they’ll ask even more advice, and before you know it, you will be in charge. Watch out for that. Of course, you’ll know what to do—which is, quite simply, back off.

Health and well-being

As you know, from time to time, you can get so involved in doing something, partly because it’s fun, that you don’t realize you’re overdoing things and ignoring your energy levels and effort. This is particularly important when you’re doing something where you recognize that others are benefiting. It seems obvious, but it doesn’t always occur to you.

Goals and challenges

The ability to exit from an arrangement is a rare skill. There are certain individuals who will pick a fight to make it happen, while others will just fade away. For you, however, because you have the gift of being able to turn what are often rather unworkable situations into something remarkable, it is also vital that you acquire that skill of saying a gracious but firm farewell at the right moment.


While you don’t particularly enjoy changes in long-standing arrangements, you have accepted that they are sometimes unavoidable. Changes in close alliances with family and loved ones are another matter, but here, too, things are moving on. Embrace even unwelcome changes—they are vital.

Zodiac Sign

Pisces: FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 19

Ruler: Neptune

Symbol: The Fish

Element: Water

Flower: Water lily

Symbolized by a pair of fish, you, as a Pisces, born under this often charismatic and highly intuitive water sign, can view almost any situation from two angles. While you were originally ruled by Jupiter, Neptune’s discovery in 1846 changed that. Your flower is water lily, your food and flavors are moss and lime, and your tree is the fig. Your stone is misty, blue-green jade.

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