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March 10th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onMarch 10, 2024

Longest words in the English language include: FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFI- CATION (29 letters), meaning the habit of estimating something as worthless. And HONORIFICABILITUDINI- TATIBUS (27 letters), means with honourableness, and appears in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost. But can you say them?

Sun Sign: Pisces/Neptune

Decanate: Pisces/Moon; Numbers: 1, 4

March 10th Birthday Love Astrology

March 10 is a solitary star and doesn't want to be part of a galaxy. It avoids the jolly members of the Milky Way, always cackling with laughter and moving with the crowd. It's a shy Pisces star. They are happiest in laboratories, libraries or working at a home computer, their social communication with big business by telephone.

Both sexes like money and find making it easy. Riches shoot across the firmament like rockets homing into the docking station of March 10's hands. Bank managers adore them. This creature has portly pension plans and innovative insurance. There will be stunning stock market kills. Expect large houses, good collections of antiques and baths with Jacuzzis. Many become writers, musicians or artists for which the solitary life is best.

March 10 loves to roam the countryside, thinking, watching for rare plants, birds, perhaps the badger's nocturnal appearance and when there are jolly tumbling fox cubs about, both sexes leave titbits. A favourite occupation is a long ride across hills and clifrtops with a companionable horse. Many hunt, enjoying the excitement and handsome spectacle of man and horse against the skyline. These people often loathe hunt saboteurs, regarding them as anthropomorphically driven townies, with a Disney concept of animals. But others born on this day very powerfully take the reverse stance, loathe hunting and although they are too shy to join pressure groups, will help finance them. Discerning family people, they pick a partner for life. Often clumsy in courtship, theirs is a compelling passion and they win surprisingly glamorous, often socially desirable partners, on the basis of their honesty and simplicity of feeling. As parents they are excellent, loving but not coercive, understanding a child's need for its own space.

Time fascinates these people, so expect the collection to be of clocks, homes full of musically chiming longcases, and pretty porcelain and silver pocket watches made to keep our Edwardian ancestors punctual.

In Love

You are romantic and passionate, and your courtship style is the stuff of which dreams are made. When you’re in love, you act as if the Sun rises and sets with your beloved. You yearn for the bliss of total union, yet there is a part of you that you can’t share with anyone. Your moody, enigmatic disposition makes you touchy and easily offended. When you feel slighted, you may start an argument, pick a fight, or turn cold as ice and withdraw.

However, you mean no harm. Once recovered from your snit, you behave as if it never happened.

In Bed

Your magnetic allure stems from a combination of physical passion and a deep emotional need for love and affection. You try to conceal your feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability behind a façade of sexual bravado. Temperamentally, you can be likened to a prickly pear. Despite a somewhat thorny outer skin, you’re surprisingly soft and sweet on the inside. Intuition allows you to tune in to your lover’s hidden desires. With a little reassurance from your partner, you’re more than happy to gratify him or her.


A practical suggestion for March 10, who's good with their hands: make a Victorian scrap screen. Buy an ordinary plain paper or fabric screen, then paint over with a thin coat of glue size to stiffen it. Use wallpaper paste to glue your scraps. Best results come from themed scraps, a bouquet of flowers in the centre with blooms radiating out and encircling it. Finish off the screen with some flat wooden beading from good DIY shops, tacked down then painted or stained. Varnish the scraps bit with Emulsion Glaze, a special protective finish with many of the properties of varnish (golden tone and slight sheen) but water-based so that the paper returns when dry to its original state.


Your dreamy sexuality responds most readily to the kind of romantic fantasy usually found only in storybooks. Recreating a fairy tale may seem like a lot of trouble, but the erotic pleasures that you and your lover are likely to discover in your illusory castle in the air make it worth the effort.


Longest words in the English language include: FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFI- CATION (29 letters), meaning the habit of estimating something as worthless. And HONORIFICABILITUDINI- TATIBUS (27 letters), means with honourableness, and appears in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost. But can you say them?

Reality Check

You long to make a difference in the world and can usually be found in the forefront of any crusade for social justice. Idealistic in the extreme, you’d like nothing better than to see people get what they need. You want to move forward with your innovative plans and ideas, but your own doubts and second thoughts hold you back.

March 10 Date Share

Prince Edward, third son of Queen Elizabeth II. Chuck Norris, Oklahoma movie star, karate champion. Sharon Stone, Hollywood sex goddess, film director, film company owner. Bix Beiderbecke, jazz trumpeter, composer.

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