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February 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onFebruary 07, 2024

Unlucky days in February are 8, 17, 20, 22, 25 and 27 when there may be quarrels with friends, successes of rivals and domestic trouble. Lucky date are 1, 3, 10, 19, 21 and 28 for academic achievement, good fortune for married couples and parents.

Sun Sign: Aquarius/Uranus

Decanate: Aquarius/Mercury; Numbers: 7, 9

February 7th Birthday Love Astrology

February 7 seems to be afraid of money, as if it were a mad hippopotamus, lurking boulder-like in the nearby soda lake, waiting to lunge through its sugar-frosting of pink flamingos and crunch poor February 7 just when he thought he'd got by in his boat. Some don't even open bills, especially the women, who just hope everything will go away.

It's not that they don't have money, but they think they won't have if they spend it. This is really a miser date and the miser date's telephone and electricity will get cut off if it doesn't mend its ways. Nor will friends ever buy February 7 a drink again if he or she doesn't return their round. Nor will anybody ever go to a restaurant again with them if they insist on popping to the loo just when the bill comes.

Not everybody born today suffers in such extremis, although all are more than usually concerned with cash matters. Some are indeed money-makers, especially the women who quietly invest and often win large sums of money or cars and holidays from newspaper competitions and off the back of cornflakes packets. There are even those who spend their lives raising money for charity, some professionally. And there is just a smattering who make it illegally.

Apart from the money complex, this February child is a tender lover, a great inventor of treats and sometimes a wild, adventurous romantic. Sweet 7 can't always take a lover out to tea at the Ritz, but he will take her to swim in pure water high in the Scottish mountains one rare sunny day. While they dry in the sun, February 7 picks a hatfull of blueberries and then kisses his partner and WHAM. This individual is one of the great kissers, which is a talent admired by every woman in the kissing world. She's not such a great kisser, but can do other things.

In Love

There is a secret, mysterious aspect to your character that makes your intimate unions more difficult than they need to be. Your feelings of being misunderstood and unappreciated can make you wary of committed unions.

Moreover, your moodiness and penchant for occasional periods of solitude may cause a potential lover to shy away from initiating a relationship.

Perhaps no one will ever understand you completely, yet with a caring, sympathetic partner you can overcome your doubts and fears. When you find the right person, love and sex take on a mystical significance that binds you and your mate for life.

In Bed

In the bedroom, you are an inventive and enthusiastic lover. However, you’re also an idealist who wants sex to be meaningful and love to be true.

At times you may feel hopelessly conflicted between your intellectual awareness of sex as a purely physical act and your romantic ideal of lovemaking as a spiritual joining of twin souls. The upshot is that your enigmatic nature is virtually guaranteed to confound and confuse the mere mortal who shares your bed.


If you are going to make love on a mattress which has belonged to someone else, experts in love magic insist it be ‘cleansed' so their vibrations dont interfere with your own. Take four long-lasting candles, essence of lavender, pink healing quartz, a piece of parchment, fresh flowers and a small cloth bag or cushion filled with aromatic herbs. Place candles at four corners of bed. Burn lavender essence. Light candles. Place quartz in middle of bed, on top of the parchment on which these words are written: ‘Your story past till the candles will last' When candles burn down the bed's history will be gone.


Due to the many paradoxes in your personality, you’re really not the person you appear to be. Your lover may see your emotional vulnerability and not realize that you are totally open to radical ideas about sexuality and predisposed to plunge into the unknown. Novelty and erotic experimentation are your ultimate turn-ons.


Unlucky days in February are 8, 17, 20, 22, 25 and 27 when there may be quarrels with friends, successes of rivals and domestic trouble. Lucky date are 1, 3, 10, 19, 21 and 28 for academic achievement, good fortune for married couples and parents.

Reality Check

Anyone who gets involved with you swiftly discovers that you are more sensual and romantic than most Aquarians, but also quicker to fall in and out of love. People interest you, and potential lovers interest you most of all.

Yet you still have the water bearer’s overwhelming desire for freedom, independence, and an inability to adhere to rules and regulations laid down by others.

February 7 Date Share

Died: Eric Portman, stage actor, movies. Born: Charles Dickens, Victorian novelist, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol.James Spader, American movie star.Sir Thomas More, British saint, theologian, philosopher, Utopia, beheaded by Henry VIII for treason, canonised. Alfred Adler, Viennese social psychiatrist, treat the mind, treat the body. Juliette Greco, French dancer, film star, existentialist icon, beauty. Buster Crabbe, body builder, fitness expert, film actor, Flash Gordon.Russell Drysdale, Australian painter.

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