February 21st Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onFebruary 21, 2024

Setting goals is one thing. Pursuing them is another matter. However, list those goals, ideally on paper, and you know what you expect to do. But actually, combining these with your own personal desires can be an even bigger challenge. The solution? Ask someone to stand beside you when you need that support. It is worthwhile.

A spring leaf, an infant, a new love, all remind us of life’s promise

February 21st Birthday Horoscope

You were born on February 21st

You take great joy in being able to make the world better, whether it is one person at a time, one situation at a time, or even bigger projects. For you as a Pisces, it isn’t easy to maintain this as your main activity.

With the world around you changing—
and with what might be those who’re involved shifting—there are bound to be many twists and turns, and of many varieties. Even those whose main profession is doing exactly this variety of humanitarian work know they need to balance that with other activities in their own life and, equally, with family or hobbies.

So it is important for you to be aware of the need for that balance. These individuals and activities are an essential part of your life. They are, in fact, like a variety of emotional vitamin—just as you’d take actual vitamins, in this case, those activities and those individuals help you keep your perspective, and when necessary, realign your thinking and remind you what is actually in your best interests.

They help you rediscover your core, your center. Not only do these individuals benefit you, they give you the strength you need to go on to the next day, the next week, and the next month, and to make the world better in the way that you like to, but to do so without having to pay a price yourself.

You and others

You’re probably aware you are sentimental, but you don’t notice how much the attitude of others matters to you. And if they’re uncaring, it can be hurtful. It is important to be aware of this and steer clear of those who are thoughtless. Instead, ensure those closest support you in the way they, and you, know is vital.

Health and well-being

While some Pisces are naturals at working out, most aren’t. And if you are one of the latter, then finding ways to move that aren’t really exercise is vital. And it can be fun. Seek out something that is magical and, ideally, musical. Do that, and you will appreciate the next time you can get out there and shake with those vibes, exercising your body at the same time.

Goals and challenges

Setting goals is one thing. Pursuing them is another matter. However, list those goals, ideally on paper, and you know what you expect to do. But actually, combining these with your own personal desires can be an even bigger challenge. The solution? Ask someone to stand beside you when you need that support. It is worthwhile.


While you’d have every right to be annoyed with certain thoughtless individuals, the fact is they are unaware of the impact of their words or actions. Raise this gently, but frankly, and invest time in the process. The resulting discussions will be astonishingly informative for everybody concerned.

Zodiac Sign

Pisces: FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 19

Ruler: Neptune

Symbol: The Fish

Element: Water

Flower: Water lily

Symbolized by a pair of fish, you, as a Pisces, born under this often charismatic and highly intuitive water sign, can view almost any situation from two angles. While you were originally ruled by Jupiter, Neptune’s discovery in 1846 changed that. Your flower is water lily, your food and flavors are moss and lime, and your tree is the fig. Your stone is misty, blue-green jade.

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