January 17th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onJanuary 17, 2024

As your horizons broaden, your goals shift quite naturally. This is often the reverse of what many people have been taught, because you’re supposed to sit down and list what you want to do, and then figure out what’s easiest. However, there is a trick to this, and it’s called inspiration. Allow that part of yourself to be inspired and the rest will be easy.

Poetry dwells in the beauties of spring; finding joy in life’s darker moments is a real art

January 17th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on January 17th

As a Capricorn, you’re an earth sign, but also, very often, you’ll have goals that reach way into what might be termed the heavens—that is, they are inspired by a part of your character that goes beyond the here and now. If so, then you will already understand how important it is to balance the two: the part of you that is an earth sign, which really enjoys the here and now and has a knack for achieving goals of a practical nature.

Yet there is also the side that wants to stretch your take on reality and reach toward feelings some would call joy. There is that amazing feeling that what you’re doing, your ideas or plans, are actually coming together. And even though not everything has gone as you intended, what has been least expected has been thrilling, and accomplished perfectly in the here and now.

Better yet, you are learning a new skill as a Capricorn. True, it isn’t the kind of skill you go to college to learn. It may be that nature will teach you, or possibly, you will encounter somebody who can help you learn about that.

Or one day, you will simply realize that you’ve already learned it. Then you will also realize why being able to recognize joy is such an important contribution to your life, both now and in the future.

You and others

Who do you hang out with, and how do they make you feel? While it’s wonderful to spend time with people who know you and people who will get you laughing about the past, they don’t necessarily lift your spirits, or in fact, add to your self-esteem. Ensure you spend a bit of time with those who don’t just inspire you, but who also, indeed, admire you.

Health and well-being

The trick to feeling well is to feel really well deep within, and then have those good feelings emerge from the outside. So, eating is good, exercising is great, but finding that place within that gives you what might be termed energy vitamins—that’s the place to go.

Goals and challenges

As your horizons broaden, your goals shift quite naturally. This is often the reverse of what many people have been taught, because you’re supposed to sit down and list what you want to do, and then figure out what’s easiest. However, there is a trick to this, and it’s called inspiration. Allow that part of yourself to be inspired and the rest will be easy.


When there was talk of changes in elements of your domestic or working life, you were concerned. This seemed a pointless disruption, but as you’ve learned more, you’ve also begun to realize these are part of a far-reaching pattern of change, influencing and benefiting others as well as you.

Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: DECEMBER 21 – JANUARY 19

Ruler: Saturn

Symbol: The Goat

Element: Earth

Flower: Pansy

As a practical earth sign, whose symbol is the horned goat, you can achieve the impossible, in the form of ascending a mountain, or attaining an ambition. Being ruled by hardy Saturn, you’re discreet about your many kindnesses, but glory in your tough exterior. Your flower is the pansy; your plants are hemp and ivy; your trees, elm and yew. Your stones are symbolic of winter’s dark days—black pearls, black diamonds, and jet.

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