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April 9th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onApril 09, 2024

In the Tarot's Major Arcana, the 9th card is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and stick. Dominant qualities of this day include a healthy conscience, wisdom and understanding of others, and tremendous self-discipline.

Sun Sign: Aries/Mars

Decanate: Aries/Sun; Numbers: 4, 9

April 9th Birthday Love Astrology

April 9 would love to be ruthless, rich and coveted by everyone. Yet deep in her generous psycheology there's the red-gold ore of kindness, which prevents all that. And an undermining, but appealing, instinct for self-mockery, which prevents it too. In the cause of good, she will go into battle, Mars' armour burnished. In her own cause, it's more Marsipan and she retires laughing.

Laughter makes everything work for this person. Terrific mimics and stand-up comics, some are so good they make it a career. In the office - they often work in big companies or product producing factories - this wit is a fearsome weapon. Everybody laughs, but bosses get frightened. So less promotion than you might have expected for our competitive baby. Still, no matter. There's the work outing to look forward to, when everybody will laugh themselves sick. And what's more memorable? A lot of fun with mates, or an impressive discussion about next year's budget?

Most of them throw ambition to the wind early on. Home life, time to think and the value of small passing moments with children, pets and beloved relatives become more important. April 9 earns more money at home than by going in to work anyway. They plan family days with massive cook-ins, plenty to drink and the girl's flower arrangements are legendary. The men do glamorous things with fairy lights. If there are no children, these people are perfectly sanguine, indeed some make a choice to spend a childless life with their partner.

Some take refuge in the country where they live a life of unpolluted bliss, playing with animals. Horsey, doggy people, these ramettes. Favoured dog breeds are big, kind golden retrievers, for their intelligent eyes and gentle way with children and older people.

Not a date for an isolated house in remote countryside. Like their dogs, they need people, fun, love and chat and can become morose when lonely.

In Love

You truly care about people, and your compassionate nature makes you an easy mark for a good sob story. When problems arise, you give the other person the benefit of the doubt. However, anyone who pushes you too far is sure to encounter your fiery temper. In close relationships, you are passionate and sympathetic to your partner’s desires. As a consummate romantic, you’re easily swept off your feet. But if reality fails to live up to your idealistic notions of love, you are just as readily disappointed. Even when you feel let down, you retain your optimism and bounce back to try again.

In Bed

You believe that strong sexual chemistry is the essential component in a romantic union. You may be timid in public, but behind closed doors you are quite the lusty ram. During lovemaking you tend to go back and forth between bold assertiveness and gentle tenderness. Lurking beneath your sweet exterior, there is a bawdy, adventurous, and sensuous love nature that comes alive only in the bedroom. Because you are such a challenging, exciting bedmate, you expect no less in return.


Sometimes this date suffers from mild depression, occasional ‘lows'. This can be helped, especially after drinking too much alcohol, by eating tomatoes or drinking the juice. A fat tomato sandwich is well known to be a tremendous comforter because tomatoes contain small amounts of serotonin, a substance found in the brain which helps to elevate the mood. Serotonin levels are often reduced during the winter months due to lack of sunshine and working under fluorescent or artificial lights. Increase exercise out of doors in daylight and eat other foods which contain serotonin: milk, cheese, oranges, soya beans, potatoes, root vegetables, brown rice, brown bread and wholewheat pasta.


You want sparkle and pizzazz in a relationship. A social being, you enjoy going out for the evening, possibly to a play, a concert, or a movie. You relish some stimulating conversation over drinks or coffee. You don’t mind a difference of opinion, or even a lively debate, if it stirs the blood. Afterward, you just want to go home and make love.


In the Tarot's Major Arcana, the 9th card is The Hermit, who walks carrying a lantern and stick. Dominant qualities of this day include a healthy conscience, wisdom and understanding of others, and tremendous self-discipline.

Reality Check

One part of you is a mild, moody dreamer, the other an aggressive, argumentative doer. At times you’re caught between your desire to lend a helping hand to all comers and the “me-first” philosophy of the typical Aries native. When this happens, you may feel conflicted and at odds with yourself.

April 9 Date Share

Severiano Ballesteros, Spanish golfer. Hugh Hefner, Playboy founder. Jean-Paul Belmondo, French film star. Robert Helpmann, Australian dancer, The Red Shoes. Tom Lehrer, satirist, songwriter, performer. Dorothy Tutin, Shakespearian actress. Charles Baudelaire, French symbolist poet, les Fleurs du Mal'.

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